
For decades people, regardless of their gender and way of life, have together given the church a face. Many who come into contact with the local church have had good experiences with theologians, catechists and other called people in our parishes, adult education and hospitals. These experiences have broken the link between biological sex and the special vocation to sacramental mission.

We are convinced that what needs to be transformed must be put on the table right now: if we, as the Church, want to stand up for the dignity of all people, we must clean up our own house and make sure that equal dignity also leads to equal rights.  For this reason, and from the perception of the discrepancy between what is permitted under canon law and what is pastorally necessary, we want to make a contribution to a sustainable Church with our thoughts and actions. A Church that dares to think and tackle new things and learns to recognise diversity as an opportunity anew – with God’s help.

Contact to the mission ready women*: Charlotte Küng-Bless

Contact religious communities: Prioress Irene Gassmann

Contact support group: Béatrice Bowald und Monika Hungerbühler

Media contact: veronika.jehle@gmail.com



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Theological foundations

Sacremantal mission

The celibate priesthood is inscribed in a sacralized hierarchical structure, which in practice focuses less and less on the congregation and more and more on the self-preservation of this system. The #JuniaInitiative observes these developments with concern. The people behind the Initiative perceive a sacramental hunger in congregations, communities and institutions and are concerned that precious experiences of the divine presence are being abandoned in favor of the preservation of the system. It wants to find a way beyond the linking of ministry, consecration, power and gender, for the disastrous consequences of this linkage have become increasingly apparent in recent years.


Zur Sendung bereit

Hier erzählen sendungsbereite Frauen* von ihrer Berufung zur sakramentalen Sendung und ihrem Wirken in der Kirche. Wird auch Ihnen die Berufung zur sakramentalen Sendung zugesprochen? Vertrauen auch Sie auf Gottes Ruf? Dann stehen Sie doch öffentlich dazu und tragen Sie sich ein.


17. Mai 2020

Die #JuniaInitiative steht zur Erfahrung, dass die Geistkraft Gottes wirkt, unabhängig von Amt, Weihe, Macht und Geschlecht. Durch die Amtskirche erfährt dieses sakramentale Handeln keine offizielle Anerkennung. Die #JuniaInitiative möchte mit dem Begriff der «Sakramentalen Sendung» einen Zugang eröffnen.

Die #JuniaInitiative stärkt durch Vernetzung und kreative theologische Arbeit eine zukunftsfähige und glaubwürdige Kirche.

Im Junia-Jahr 2020 / 21, beginnend am Gedenktag von Junia, dem 17. Mai 2020, soll die Auseinandersetzung aktiv weitergeführt und vertieft werden.

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